Wanderer Maschinen GmbH
Möhrenbachstraße 10
D-84524 Neuötting
Telefon +49 151 6484 3568 (Cellphone/mobile)
or +49 8671 88686-13 (Landline)
+49 8671 88686-12 (Fax)
Registergericht: folgt
Registernummer: HRB folgt
gem.§ 27a UStG: folgt
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher nach § 55 II RStV:
Josef Höfl
Service provider/responsible for the content:
Business name: Wanderer Maschinen GmbH
Managing Director: Josef Höfl
WebDesign & Hosting:
mediaService Fuchshuber
Graf-Wartenberg-Ring 8
84577 Tüßling
Tel. 08633 308108
Liability for content
The content of these web pages was created with the greatest of care. The service provider is not liable for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness and quality of the information provided. In no event will the provider be liable for any damages that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or failure to use said content. Liability for the violation of rights is only taken from the time of notification about a concrete violation. Content affected by this violation will be removed promptly after notification.
Liability for links
The service provider is not liable for direct and indirect external links. Solely the owner or provider of said pages is liable for the content of external links. At the time of linking these links were checked and no violation of law was evident. Continuous monitoring of external links is not reasonable. In case of a legitimate identification of a violation of rights, said link will be removed promptly.
All content of said pages are subject to copyright law. Use of content or parts thereof is not permitted unless authorized by the service provider. This also holds for the copyrights of third parties. In case of infringement, the service provider reserves the right to file charges. If you detect copyright infringements despite the care being taken, please notify us immediately. If legitimate, said content will be removed immediately.
Privacy policy
Our site allows you to enter personal data to establish contact. This is not mandatory since you are able to establish contact using a phone, fax, e-mail, mail or personally. As part of our privacy policy, no data will be shared with third parties without your explicit consent.
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